A good meal is key to happy outdoor cooking equipment uk and the right equipment can make it a breeze. Our outdoor cooking equipment uk collection includes a wide range of stoves ideal for varying outdoor pursuits from family camping to lightweight adventure travelling and mountain expeditions. We also stock camp kitchens, cook sets, kettles and more to help you rustle up meals whilst on the road or in the woods.
There are some excellent portable options such as the BioLite kit that combines a barbecue, grill, oven and lantern into one compact device. This ‘cooker in a box’ has a powerful, but precise flame that lets you roast, bake or grill food, and can even generate electricity to power a USB gadget. A more traditional option is a liquid fuel cooker like the Trangia that many of us will have used on Duke of Edinburgh expeditions. This robust burner uses methylated spirits, paraffin or petrol and burns well in all weathers but can take a while to heat up and may produce a lot of smoke.
Cooking Alfresco: Your Guide to Top Outdoor Cooking Equipment in the UK
If you want a permanent outdoor kitchen for your garden or patio, Vlaze offers freestanding units on casters or legs in a choice of materials with granite work surfaces and contemporary white HPL finish. They can also be clad in a variety of other materials such as wood-effect cladding or stone. The company’s bespoke service starts with a 3D model of your space created on SketchUp which you can use to moderate the design. Once this is agreed they will provide a full quote, deliver the kitchen to site and crane it into place as one piece.