ADI Leak Detection is a business that specializes in non-invasive leak detection and inspection of water and oil lines. It uses a combination of innovative techniques to locate and repair the most stubborn of leaks, no matter what their size or location.
During the course of a leak investigation, ADI technicians use a wide range of equipment to ensure they have everything they need to conduct the job properly. One of the most advanced technologies they employ is a thermal camera system which is used to locate hidden underground leaks that may be too small to see using traditional methods.
Common Misconceptions About ADI Leak Detection Debunked
Whether it’s for oil, gas or water, pipelines are a complex system with multiple moving parts. To keep these systems in good working order, leak detection is essential to reduce downtime and maintenance costs.
Methods of detecting pipeline leaks include hydrostatic testing, infrared and laser technology after pipeline erection, as well as during service. These systems monitor the flow of liquids and gases in pipelines, and alert controllers to the presence of leaks as soon as they are detected.
Aerial Thermograms
Pipeline leaks are often detected by visual methods such as aerial thermograms which show a change in the reflection of a laser beam pulse when a substance leaves the pipeline. This is a simple, fast and cost-effective way of locating pipeline leaks in remote locations or where it’s difficult to access the pipeline.
Distributed Temperature Sensing
Another technique used to locate leaks is distributed temperature sensing (DTS). DTS involves installing a series of fiber-optic cable along the length of the pipeline being monitored. When a substance exits the pipeline, it changes the reflection of the laser beam pulse, thereby triggering an alarm.