Whether you’re looking to rent a portable oxygen concentrator for the short term or buy it outright, there are several factors to consider before you make your decision. Ultimately, your needs are the most important factor in deciding whether to rent or purchase a portable oxygen concentrator.
Size and Weight
Portable oxygen concentrator rental are generally much smaller than stationary units, making them easy to maneuver around narrow doorways or crowded hallways. They are also lightweight, averaging only about one-third the weight of a stationary unit.
Renting a Portable Oxygen Concentrator: The Affordable and Flexible Solution for Short-term Oxygen Needs
A portable oxygen concentrator’s battery life depends on the model, settings and use. Typically, a higher-end model with a longer battery life will provide more hours of usage before needing to be recharged.
Portable concentrator rental fees vary between suppliers, but most charge around $35 daily or $250 weekly. This fee includes the device, batteries and accessories.
Medicare may help cover the rental costs of a POC as “durable medical equipment” (DME) if it’s considered necessary by your doctor. If you only plan on using your POC for a few weeks a year, renting it is a better value than purchasing a new one outright.
Many oxygen patients choose to rent their machines, especially if they have multiple oxygen needs and a need for continuous flow oxygen output. In fact, most pulmonary diagnostics therapists believe that many patients should first rent a portable oxygen concentrator and conduct a “six-minute walking titration” to confirm that they can maintain their prescribed levels of oxygen saturation with the machine before committing to a purchase.…